You can connect two computers together and use the data in the same drive as you do, you first need to ensure that Both machines have TCP / IP and NetBEUI installed and working properly and make sure that the Remote Access Services installed and running as well.

Find the IP Address of the computer A, you can find it by going to the Icon Network in Controlpanel.

Suppose, for example, is the IP Address of PC A.

Then you need to enable File sharing and sharing isthe path that you want on your computer, A.

For example, you want to share Folder "Data" drive C.

Both computers must be running a network interface, or if already on the intranet as well.

Go in to the command prompt on PC B.


If you get an user name/password or logon error, use the following command instead (after you enter your username and password are correct)

Type NET USE X: \\\DATA /USER:username password

This command will map drive x: is in the B loan with DATA on drive C in the A to the same data.

And now you can use the same data. Information on your own machine.

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